Wolverine, Dillon, Brule Mine
Client: Walter Energy Western Canadian Coal
Year: 2003 – 2012
Pelly developed coal properties near Tumbler Ridge and Chetwynd British Columbia for Western Canadian Coal. In 2003 the initial work was as a minor bulk PCI coal sample of the Dillon property which evolved into Pelly leading the start-up and operations for the mine. The fully operational mine was handed over to the client in November 2012. This property was a greenfield site and after the test sample proved successful, Pelly constructed the site infrastructure to support a full-scale mine. Pelly provided more than 250 personnel, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pelly performed all work onsite including, drilling and blasting, stripping, ore and waste hauling, short term planning, camp operations, security, access road maintenance, coal crushing, and mine rescue. During the last two years of operation, the average mining quantities averaged 70,000 to 85,000 BCM per day.
During the time of operation Pelly also developed the infrastructure for the Wolverine Mine including roads, wash plant site, sediment ponds, starter dyke, surface drainage systems, and railway extension. Pelly participated in the start-up and operations of this metallurgical coal mine which was handed over to the Client to operate in 2009.
Porcupine Enterprises Ltd.
Year: 2003 – 2017
Porcupine Enterprises Ltd. was formed by Pelly Construction Ltd. and Vuntut Development Corporation (VDC), the economic development arm of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. Its purpose was to complete earthworks projects in northern Yukon, primarily in Old Crow. After a successful 14-year relationship Pelly Construction sold its share of Porcupine Enterprises to VDC. Porcupine Enterprises Ltd. is now a 100% owned and operated Indigenous business.
Work involved the construction of a 270-km winter road from the Dempster Highway to Old Crow, construction and operation of a rock quarry on Crow Mountain, riverbank stabilization on the Porcupine River, aggregate production, airport runway upgrades, underground utility improvements, road construction and upgrading, and various other community projects.
Golden Bear Mine
Client: North American Metals Corporation
Year: 1997 – 2000
Golden Bear Mine, northwest of Dease Lake, British Columbia, is reached by a 160-km road with restricted access to the Dease Lake‐Telegraph Creek Road. The open pits and heap leach pads are at an elevation of approximately 2,000 metres.
Pelly completed the construction of one heap leach pad and built a second larger pad. The pads were complicated to construct since the terrain was so steep and the season for handling clay is short. Pelly achieved wall control in the deep open-pit through careful analysis of the rock and selective blasting and pre‐shearing.
At one point on this project, crews encountered snow depths of up to 8 metres during the initial spring access. Pelly drilled and blasted 2,600,000 m3 of waste and ore, and excavated and placed 300,000 m3 for use on the heap leach pad and in road construction at the site.
Faro lead-zinc mine, central Yukon
Client: Curragh Resources, Cyprus Anvil
Year: 1990 – 1994
Pelly and our heritage company, General Enterprises Ltd., have been the general contractors on almost all the major projects tendered by the mine’s various owners and caretakers. Significant projects include the relocation of Rose Creek from the valley floor and decommissioning of the freshwater dam. We worked with Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation, and Selkirk First Nation on various initiatives at the site.
Client: British Antarctic Survey
Year: 1989 – 1991
Pelly worked for the Government of the United Kingdom on a two-season project to build a runway, deep-sea wharf, and other infrastructure on Adelaide Island in Antarctica. Equipment and supplies — including fuel, explosives, parts, materials, portable tug boat and barges and food for two seasons — had to be brought to the site in one ship. The work involved strict operational and environmental requirements.
Click here to see a video about the project
Road Construction
Client: Government of Yukon, Public Works and Government Services,
State of Alaska, Government of Northwest Territories, City of Whitehorse
Year: 1987 – 2003
Over the years, Pelly Construction has worked on hundreds of kilometres of road construction on virtually every road in the Yukon. Most of this work has been on the Alaska Highway, in both the Yukon and British Columbia. We have also completed various roadwork projects in the Northwest Territories and Alaska.
Construction sites in these regions often included high rock volumes, steep and difficult terrain, permafrost, muskeg, quarry development, and large culverts.
Alaska Highway BC and Yukon over 200 km
South Klondike Highway 62 km
Top of the World Highway 70 km
North West Territories Highway #3 27 km
Dempster Highway 80 km
State of Alaska Highways 134 km